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Circly - iPhone 13 pro telefono dėklas

Circly - iPhone 13 pro telefono dėklas

Regular price €23,95 EUR
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Make sure you have selected the type and model of the case you want

When buying a case, the glass is cheaper

Discount is applicable when purchasing a phone case. The protective glass of the screen will cost only 9.87 EUR (instead of 14.95 EUR), and the protective glass of the camera will cost only 7 EUR (instead of 9.95 EUR). When buying one case, the discount is valid for one selected protective glass.


Tired of being like everyone else? When you put your phone on the table, it's hard to tell which one is yours? Want to be unique? If you are often plagued by such questions, it means that you have visited the right website! Meet the exclusive phone cases, because now beauty and safety fit in one. The phone cases we produce are made of quality materials, perfectly fit the lines of the phone, so they will protect your phone very well! What's more, the case can be unique - we can print any design or text of your choice on these cases (contact us).


2D case:

  • Fits perfectly to the phone;
  • Non-slip and comfortable;
  • Impact resistant;
  • Raised frame around the screen and camera - additional protection of the screen and camera from scratches;
  • High-quality non-fading glossy design;
  • Uncapped connectors;
  • Made from the highest quality materials.

3D case:

  • Made of high-quality and durable plastic;
  • The design covers the entire phone case (back and sides);
  • Fits perfectly to telephone lines;
  • Raised frame around the screen and camera - additional protection of the screen and camera from scratches;
  • High-quality non-fading glossy design;
  • Uncovered connections.

3D Protective Case:

  • Two-layer protection: the inner part is made of high-quality silicone, and the outer part is made of high-quality plastic;
  • 360° phone protection;
  • The design covers the entire phone case (back and sides);
  • Fits perfectly to telephone lines;
  • Raised frame around the screen and camera - additional protection of the screen and camera from scratches;
  • High-quality non-fading glossy design;
  • Uncovered connections.

Production and delivery

  • Phone, AirPod and Macbook cases are produced in 1-3 days

  • If we do not have the required case in stock, production takes up to 7 days

  • You can choose the shipping method during payment.

  • Parcel delivery service (DPD) usually delivers the purchased goods to the address specified by the buyer within 3-5 working days in Lithuania (by standard shipping method) and 1-3 working days (by expedited delivery), within 3-7 working days in the European Union and 7-12 working days to other countries;
  • Delivery services are provided by the joint-stock company "Lietuvos paštas", "Omniva" or "DPD".

Warranty 12 months

We are convinced that phone cases do not break, fade or peel off so easily. We are 100% sure that your future phone case will fulfill its purpose. That's why every purchase comes with a 12-month international warranty.

additional information

  • The image shown in the photos is for reference only , the item you order may look different depending on the size of your phone model, camera or fingerprint cutout and the type of case you choose.
  • Coveris logo is placed on all the cases in our list of designs.
  • Exclusivity
  • Impact resistant
  • 360° protection
  • High quality materials
  • Active buttons
  • Protects the camera
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Apsauginis ekrano stiklas
C. (Kaunas, LT)

Lengva uždėti, ekrano jautrumas nesumažėjo, netgi pirštų antspaudas vis dar veikia (yra tekę turėti apsauginį stikliuką, per kurį nepavyko skanuoti)

Dėklas super 😄

Labai fainas dėklas, kokybiškas, patogus ir jaučiasi tvirtas bei apsaugantis.

Gražus,plonas ir išbaigtas dizainas.

Kokybiški ir gražios spalvos

A.M. (Vilnius, LT)
Dangtelis su mano pasirinkta nuotrauka 3D

Nssitikejau tokios geros kokybes dekui jums labai

iphone deklas

Labai meilas, puikios kokybės dėklas. Tikiuosi dovana bus puiki :)

Iphone 15pro dėklas

Viskas liuks. Atrodo gražus ir kokybiškas.

Samsung Galaxy S20 telefono dėklas

Gaila, kad negalime duoti dabar galutinio įvertino, dėkliukas yra Kalėdų dovana, kuri dar neiteikta. Išvaizdą vertinu 5 žvaigždutėmis, ir manau, jog kokybė bus gera. Pažadu galutinį atsiliepima atsiųsti kuomet dovana bus iteikta 🙂

Dėklas idealiai atitiko telefoną, jaučiasi akivaizdžiai, kad dabar telefonas yra apsaugotas. Spalva ir vaizdas visiškai atitinka parodytą paveikslėlyje. Įdėklo paviršius malonus liesti, gerai "limpantis" prie rankos. Ačiū :)


Super prekė patenkinta.


Dėklas nuostabus !

Greitas pristatymas, patogus naudoti, gerai apima kampus. Ne itin patinka medziaga, pakankamai slidi ir neretai nuslysta automobilyje ar nuo kokio kito panasaus pavirsiaus. Kita karta rinksiuos silikonini.


Viskas puiku ačiū


Viskas super!

Labai mielas.

Stilingas ir apsaugantis

Labai malonus rankoje, stilingas ir apsaugantis dėkliukas.

Labai patenkinta


Obuolys Tryliktas dėklas

Dėklas labai patinka, tvirtas, piešinys nėra tiesiog užpieštas ant viršaus, ko pasekoje niekas nebluks ir grožis laikysis ilgai, ačiū ✌️

Apsauginis ekrano stiklas
E.Ž. (Vilnius, LT)

Ziauriai patiko ir lb lb grazus tik i prieki ir daugiau ideju jums linkiu😍


Esu labai patenkinta dekliuku. Labai gera kokybe, spalvos puikios 😊

Mano naujas dėklas

Labai ačiū už naują dėklą. Labai gražus, puikiai tinka mano telefonui dėklą ir už gražų stilių. Super dėkliukas.